Noah's Art Camp,

Summer of 2014 in Mt.Airy, Md.  
Our 12th Year



Campers, it is our 12th year in business

in beautiful

Mount Airy, Md.

on Fordice Dr. off Woodville Rd. or Annapolis Rd.

Come help us celebrate our

                             12th Year   in 2014                                                   

Noah’s Art Camp is offering 4 Sessions:

     PreK-K  Session June 30- July 3rd  (Openings) 18 max

  9-11:45 4 days $75   -  ages 3-5 Supplies Included

 Session 1  July 7-10   Open     Session 2 July14-17    Open     Session 3 July 21-24   Open  

9 a.m.–12:30  Ages 6-14

Still ONLY $95            

301 607 8163   /

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PreK-K all set to paint wearing their SMOCKS
Noah's Art Camp is a wonderful summer experience for children ages 3-14. Likening back to "the good ol' days", children are out doors and unplugged from any electronics as they interact with art and nature in a fun setting. During camper's time at our here they will experience many different types of art and materials.  Activities aimed at increasing observation and appreciation for nature and art will be included in each project. Techniques and Famous Artist's names will be part of lessons and fun games will be used to enhance memory and application of what has been learned. With the belief that all people can learn to make enjoyable and satisfying art this camp is presented in a way to encourage, stretch and empower children with art literacy, art experiences and art appreciation.
Taking place in an outside setting our camp is the perfect place to explore more "messy" mediums or just enjoy the sounds of birds while they draw. Creek walks offer children a chance to explore and enjoy the out of doors while catching minnows and craw dads or just cooling off between projects. The hike to the creek is done silently to encourage attention to the babbling creek, rustling leaves and birds singing. A list is kept during each camp session of "nature sightings or hearings" which include leaf and insect identification, bird songs, creek sounds, and etc.A balance of three and two dimensional projects are created each session and each week offers unique projects since many campers attend more than one week. There is approximately one teacher/counselor per 10 campers. Interaction with the animals is always supervised and safety is paramount for a positive camp experience for all children. "Bunny Overnights" are one of the camp's highlights. Campers, with parent consent, pack up their bunny or guinea pig and enjoy a take home pet for one night during the week.
We also have games and activities that encourage cooperation and fun. Some of our paper mache projects are donated to hospitals and cancer centers by our campers at their request to cheer the sick. Using their art in this altruistic way enables them to use their efforts and make a difference with their artwork.

Van Gogh Sunflowers with Paint and Collage

To be sure that you have a fun and safe experience at camp I would like you and your parents to read over and discuss these important items …

·         Remember that camp begins at 9 for all sessions

·          Be sure to arrive a little early the first day to check in, receive your sketch pad / pencil and name tag

·         Take your pad and pencil and go to one of the supervised animal areas to draw or feed animals until I call us together for our first group lesson

·          If you have any allergies be sure to tell us again about specifics

·         Wear comfy shoes  (tie or Velcro closings) and bring an extra  pair plus socks if you choose to wade in our small creek( flip flops are NOT the best for camp but ok if it is all you have)

·         Please be sure to apply bug repellant before or shortly after arrival.

·         Place creek shoes, socks, and sunscreen in a bag with name label –  storage  space is provided. Snacks can be placed in our refrigerator if you wish.

·         Stay close enough that an adult can see you at all times —stay in an area with a teacher or supervisor always

·         Pet an animal only after permission and with an adult watching

·         Walk up slowly to all animals and please don’t chase, poke or tease them. Come enjoy working with paints, clay, paper mache, pastels & pencils as we learn to draw, paint, sculpt and cartoon. I, the staff and the animals are looking forward to seeing you—come ready to do many types of art and have fun in a safe learning environment,

     Please send payment to Noah's Art Camp / 762 Mt. Airy, Md. 21770  - include names, ages, session/s preferred, email and phone#

                                        or see below and pay with credit card/ bank using Pay Pal

PreK-K for young ages 3 - 5


Noah's Art Camp Session/s for ages 6-14